Life With Joy Conselling

Can you tell me more about Kim and her Approach?

Kim believes we are all born with unique personalities, interests, gifts, talents, likes and dislikes and has a passion for helping people find their way, empowering them to seek and find the reason they were created, and to live life with JOY.

Therapy will look at what makes you, you and why! It will help you discover those passions, gifts and desires that sometimes get hidden deep within us through the hardships of life. It will help you identify and deal with destructive behaviours, and damaging mind sets that have gotten in the way of enjoying meaningful relationships and living a life with JOY.

Along with Kim's Masters of Social Work from the University of Toronto and 16 years (since 2005) of counselling experience, she has over seven years’ experience working as a hospital social worker with a focus in neo-natal intensive care units, paediatrics, loss and grief.

She enjoys perusing a healthy lifestyle through regular physical activity and nutrition. She enjoys the outdoors, loves snowboarding in the mountains, which she spent several years doing in Whistler BC.

Kim is a wife and mother and loves spending time with her family and making them healthy and nutritious meals.

What’s Faith got to do with it?

What do you believe when it comes to a higher power, your purpose for existence, and reasons for your pain? When we know what we believe, this can be the core of what drives us. When requested, I can provide a Christian faith-based perspective in combination with your therapy. This would explore: God’s purpose for painful circumstances, God’s hope for your future, God’s ability to restore your life through difficulties, and His purpose for your life - why you are here and why you were created.

A Christian perspective will only be used “upon request”. Your own values and beliefs will always be respected, and if a Christian perspective is not what you believe in, this will in no way be infringed on you. Regardless of what you believe, therapy will make you think, reflect and evaluate what it is you believe.

How long is each session?

Each session is 50 minutes long.

This includes: check-in, goal/direction setting and instructional learning assignment for the next session (where applicable).

The last few minutes will be to reschedule up-coming appointments as needed.

How much does a session cost?

The fee is $165.00 (plus applicable taxes) for an individual session.

Payment will occur prior to your session, so we can use the full 50 minutes for therapy.

What methods of payment are accepted?

Credit, or e-transfer is accepted.

You will receive a reminder e-mail from the Jane app of your upcoming appointment, where you will be given the opportunity to pre-pay for your session with your credit card.

You also have the option of a pre-billing payment through the Jane app.

E-transfer is to be paid prior to each session.

You will receive a receipt that you may use for your insurance company.

Is therapy covered under my insurance plan?

My services are covered under most insurance plans.

If your plan covers a Master of Social Work "Registered Social Worker", or "psychological services" you can claim coverage for your sessions.

Please contact your insurance company regarding your coverage.

Are there Risks to Therapy?

Opening-up and talking about your feelings, your fears, and past trauma could cause you some distress. In the safety of counselling, you will have a supportive environment to express these emotions and thoughts. Sometimes it can be helpful to tell a trusted and supportive friend that you are in therapy. Do not feel obliged to tell them why, but simply explain that while in therapy strong emotions could surface and cause you distress. You can make a plan with your friend that if these emotions surface, that you can seek support from them as you work through these difficult emotions with your therapist.

If you don't feel you have a supportive friend to confide in or in between sessions you need immediate support, contact your local distress centre. In Canada, your local Distress Centre number can be found here

Remember you are not alone.

Consent for Treatment Forms

Prior to starting therapy, you will be asked to review and sign a Consent for Treatment Form, and fill out your personal information which will include an emergency contact person.

All your personal information is kept confidential.

What about confidentiality?

Kim uses the “Jane app” which is a Canadian based virtual provider that uses an on-line platform for confidential meetings, securely storing files and processing payments.

Files are kept secure and confidential, even after your therapy has ended.

Confidentiality is respected under the limits of the law.

There are a few exceptions to confidentiality, which includes:

- Disclosure of child abuse or suspected child abuse under the Child and Family Service Act to a Children’s Aid Society

- If a file gets subpoenaed to court (under rare circumstances)

- If a person is in danger of harming themselves or others (the Mental Health Act).

Be assured these are rare circumstances that would require an intervention as mentioned above.

Supervision and accountability

As a registered social worker, I am a part of a governing body called the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Services Workers (OCSWSSW).

I am accountable to abide my professional practice to their code of ethics and standards of practice.

I also receive on-going supervision to ensure that the therapy being provided is at a high level of practice and standard.

Does my geographical location matter?

If you live outside Ontario, Canada, I can consult the governing body in your area to determine that my services are compliant with their standards of care before we continue.

What is the cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel your appointment, Kim kindly asks that you cancel at least 24 hours ahead of time.

For appointments that are canceled with less than 24 hours notice, a $50.00 cancelation fee will apply.

If there are unforeseen circumstances where cancelling 24 hours prior is not feasible, this fee could be waived.


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